It's the end of economics (as we know it)

Davis John B.


Marquette Univ. and Univ. of Amsterdam


JOHN B. DAVIS is emeritus professor of economics at Marquette University and emeritus professor of economics at University of Amsterdam. He is author of Keynes’s Philosophical Development (Cambridge, 1994), The Theory of the Individual in Economics (Routledge, 2003), Individuals and Identity in Economics (Cambridge, 2011)and co-author with Marcel Boumans of Economic Methodology: Understanding Economics as a Science (Palgrave, 2010, 2nd edition: 2016). He has recently published Identity, Capabilities, and Changing Economics (Cambridge University Press, 2024).

He has been a visiting professor at the Sorbonne, Cambridge University, Erasmus University, and Duke University. He was an editor of the Review of Social Economy, was co-editor with Wade Hands of the Journal of Economic Methodology, and is editor of the Routledge  Advances in Social Economics book series. He is a past president or chair of the History of Economics Society, the International Network for Economic Method, and the Association for Social Economics, and is a past vice-president of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought.

He has taught two dozen different courses. His areas of research are economic methodology, identity in economics, Keynes, Sraffa, complexity, stratification economics, social economics, identity economics, capabilities, economics and ethics, and health economics.



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