The award is for the best article (not necessarily written in English) in the history of economic thought, published in the issue of a scientific journal during 2022 or 2023. Candidates can be from any part of the world. The winner is invited to attend the Society Conference that follows the announcement of the prize, and receives 500 euro.
2024 Award Recipient: Adriana CALCAGNO
Adriana Calcagno is currently a CNRS postdoctoral researcher in the ERC-funded project “Energy Transitions in the History of Economic Thought”, led by Antoine Missemer, at the Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement (CIRED). She works on the history of energy economics in 19th-century Spain, 20th-century Brazil, and 20th-century Chile. Specifically, she links the issues of energy transition and energy sovereignty to those of economic development.
She defended her thesis in 2021. It was carried out jointly in the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the University of Geneva. Her thesis focused on the emergence of the structuralist theory of development in Latin America in the mid-20th century, focusing on Raúl Prebisch and the Economic Commission for Latin America.
Article: “How industrialization became the core of Raul Prebisch’s thought”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 45:4 (2023), 625-646.
Past award winners
2023: Michele Bee and Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay, The Birth of Homo Œconomicus: The methodological debate on the economic agent from J. S. Mill to V. Pareto, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 45:1 (2023), 1-26.
2022: Bruce J. Caldwell, The Road to Serfdom After 75 Years, Journal of Economic Literature, 58:3 (2020), 720-748.
2021: David Gindis, On the origins, meaning and influence of Jensen and Meckling's definition of the firm, Oxford Economic Papers, 72:4 (2020), 966-984.
2020: Herrade Igersheim, The Death of Welfare Economics: History of a Controversy, History of Political Economy, 51:5 (2019), 827-865.
2019: Mauro Boianovsky, Beyond Capital Fundamentalism: Harrod, Domar and the History of Development Economics, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 42:2 (2018), 477-504.
2018: Ivan Moscati, How Economists Came to Accept Expected Utility Theory: The Case of Samuelson and Savage, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30:2 (2016), 219-236.
2017: Wade Hands, The individual and the market: Paul Samuelson on (homothetic) Santa Claus economics, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 23:3 (2016), 425-452.
2016: Alberto Feduzi, Jochen Runde, and Carlo Zappia, De Finetti on Uncertainty, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38:1 (2014), 1-21.
2015: Nicola Giocoli, Games Judges don’t play: predatory pricing and strategic reasoning in US antitrust, Supreme Court Economic Review, 21:1 (2013), 271-330.
2014: G. Deleplace, Ch. Depoortère, and N. Rieucau, An unpublished letter of David Ricardo on the double standard of money, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 20:1 (2013), 1-28.
2013: Richard van den Berg, ‘Something wonderful and incomprehensible in their oeconomy’. The English versions of Richard Cantillon’s Essay on the Nature of Trade in General, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 19:6 (2012), 868-907.
2012: Hansjoerg Klausinger, Hayek’s Geldtheoretische Untersuchungen: New Insights from a 1925‐29 Typescript, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 18:4 (2011), 579-600.
2011: Daniele Besomi, ‘Periodic Crises’: Clement Juglar between Theories of Crises and Theories of Business Cycles, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 28-A (2010), 169-283.
2010: Gilbert Faccarello, The Enigmatic Mr. Graslin: A Rousseauist Bedrock for Classical Economics?, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 16:1 (2009), 1-40.
2009: Maria Pia Paganelli, The Adam Smith Problem in Reverse: Self-Interest in The Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments, History of Political Economy, 40:2 (2008), 365-382.
2007: Hunter Crowther-Heyck, Patrons of the Revolution: Ideals and Institutions in Postwar Science, ISIS. The History of Science Society Review (2006), 420-446.
2006: Carl Wennerlind, David Hume's Monetary Theory Revisited, Journal of Political Economy, 113:1 (2005), 223-237.
2005: Estrella Trincado, Equity, utility and transaction costs: On the origin of the judicial power in Adam Smith, Storia del Pensiero Economico, 13:1 (2004), 33-51.
2004: Guglielmo Forges Davanzati, Wages fund, high wages, and social conflict in a classical model of unemployment equilibrium, Review of Radical Political Economics, 34:2 (2002), 1-24.
2003: Niccolò Guasti, Mas que catastro, catastrofe: Il dibattito sull'imposizione diretta nel Settecento spagnolo, Storia del Pensiero Economico, 40 (2003), 77-128.
2002: Luigino Bruni and Francesco Guala, Vilfredo Pareto and the Epistemological Foundations of Choice Theory, History of Political Economy, 33:1 (2001), 21-49.
2001: Matthias Klaes, The History of the Concept of Transaction Costs: Neglected Aspects, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 22:2 (2000), 191-216.
2000: Bert Mosselmans, William Stanley Jevons and the Extent of Meaning in Logic and Economics, History and Philosophy of Logic, 19 (1998), 83-99.