It's the end of economics (as we know it)

Welcome to ESHET 2025 in Torino, Italia

The 28th Annual ESHET Conference will occur at Università di Torino, Italia, from 22 to 24 May 2025
The Conference's theme is: "It's the end of economics (as we know it)", or the changing status of economics from a historical perspective.
Conference venue: Università di Torino, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100A, 10153 Torino.
Designed by Norman Foster, the Campus Luigi Einaudi has been included by CNN among the 10 most spectacular university buildings in the world, and hosts the Scuola di Scienze giuridiche, politiche ed economico-sociali of Università di Torino. 

Main sponsors: Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" (website) and Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Torino (website). Co-sponsor: Dipartimento di Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche (website).


Local organizing committee: Mario Cedrini (Unito), Angela Ambrosino (Unito), Stefano Fiori (Unito), Alain Marciano (Unito), Valentina Erasmo (Unito), Alessandro Le Donne (Unito), Antonella Palumbo (Roma Tre), Antonella Rancan (Unimol)
Scientific committee: Angela Ambrosino (Unito), Giandomenica Becchio (Unito), Mario Cedrini (Unito), Marie Daou (Montpellier), John B. Davis (Marquette and Amsterdam), Pedro Duarte (INSPER, Brazil), Daniel Guizzo (Bristol), Sylvie Rivot (Haute-Alsace), Claudia Rotondi (Cattolica), Richard Sturn (Graz)

Proposals for papers or sessions on all aspects of the history of economic thought are welcome. 
As usual, participation in the conference is restricted to ESHET members. You cannot complete your conference registration if you are not an active member.

To join or renew your membership, please go to:
Save the date! And note that there are at least 10 other good reasons to participate in the ESHET Conference in Torino.
We are looking forward to meeting you. 
EXTENDED DEADLINE: abstract/session submissions by Feb. 20