Development and Underdevelopment in the History of Economic Thought

Ivan Pososhkov: the Founding Father of the Russian Style of the Development Thinking

Kalmychkova Elena, MSU

If you want to understand the Russian economic system and the logic of our reforms, you need to get acquainted not only with Russian scientists who rely on the traditions of Western economic thought, but with unknown Russian thinkers in the West, like I. T. Pososhkov. His work is interesting to study in order to understand the logic of the Russian style of the development thinking. Ivan Pososhkov (1652-1726) was the first Russian economist who created a complete system of views on the sources, essence and factors of growth of economic wealth. He had no connection with Western scientific, philosophical and religious traditions. According to his works, obviously all his ideas have a traditionally Russian nature. They are rooted in Orthodox faith, and influenced by the ideas of the Eastern tradition of autocracy and articles of «Domostroy». At the same time, many of the economic concepts of I. Pososhkov on an intuitive, empirical level, and at the level of common sense resonated with the Western social and economic thought of the XVII-XVIII. His theories have elements similar to the mercantilism, cameralism, physiocratism concepts and to the style of the German historical school and institutionalism. Ivan Pososhkov was a peasant, an energetic man who managed to make a fortune through his own ingenuity. He was a merchant and a craftsman. He was an entrepreneur, in the sense suggested by R. Cantillon, J.- B. Say, and J. Schumpeter. He used the opportunities provided by the reforms of Peter the Great for the development of the economy and the army. Pososhkov participated in particular in manufacturing of coins for the new system of monetary circulation in Russia.Pososhkov's theory represents the basis of the Russian style of development thinking, the Russian perspective on economic wealth and its growth. This style received further development in works of V. N. Tatishchev, M. V. Lomonosov, N. S. Mordvinov, A. T. Bolotov etc.


Keywords: the development, thinking, growth of economic wealth, russian, western, philosophical and religious traditions, I.Pososhkov

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