The postponed 24th ESHET conference will be held on 8-10 October 2021 and will be hosted by the University of National and World Economy in Sofia.
The conference will be a hybrid one in order to allow as many people as possible to participate in a way they prefer or find practicable. It will be possible to participate online or in-person.
We are particularly indebted to the local organising committee for their ongoing commitment.
Registration for either in-person or online participation is now open (via ‘Submission and Registration’ on the left). We encourage all to register as soon as possible.
We are looking forward to a stimulating, if somewhat different, conference.
Warm wishes
Richard van den Berg
ESHET President
Important Conference Dates
19 September, 2021 Deadline for uploading the final version of the paper
8 October, 2021 Opening of the Conference
9 October, 2021 Conference Dinner
10 October, 2021 Closing of the Conference
The details about the precise schedule for submissions will be given later.
Follow us on the social media
You can find the latest information about the conference via our Twitter ( and Facebook ( accounts.
Please tag your own Tweets with #ESHET2020 so that everybody can follow the conference more easily.