Entrepreneurship, knowledge and employment

Entrepreneurship in the XXIst century

Matarán Cristóbal, Universidad Europea de Madrid

In this paper, we will focus in the history of the economic thought from the Second World War to nowadays. We will discuss the two main interpretations about consumer behaviour. On one hand, the interpretation according to which humans act like computers, emphasising the maximization of satisfaction as their unique goal. On the other hand, the subjectivist approach, in which humans are considered not as maximising agents, but as imperfect individuals who pursuit happiness in an imperfect world of information. To achieve our goal, we will complete our study pointing out a definition of socialism as the attack to entrepreneurship. We will explain how this definition has come across to economic theory in recent times, providing a much more accurate framework to the study of contemporary social problems. In this sense, we will count on the support of the theoretical structure to distinguish how a proper conception of entrepreneurship can help us in moral problems. Therefore, the studying of moral implications of the economics theories should complement the current discussions in Economics. We will finish our paper with a look to the future. So, we will complete a circle, linking together all the disciplines in which Economics are understood in recent times. Thus, it is the principal overlook of this paper to provide an optimistic view of the future. The ongoing studies in this field are yet in their starting points, we it is reasonable to expect a deep revolution in the future years.


Keywords: entrepreneurship, consumer behaviour

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